Several years ago (1989) some documents surfaced exposing the existence of a secret group of military leaders and scientists. This group, or the Maji group, has seemingly played a very important role in the conspiracy(for lack of a better word) of silence about UFO's and the occupants there of. I have seen these documents and after a lot of reading and research believe them to be true. The documents have come under fire recently has being hoaxes so I display them for you now so you can decide. We must each walk our own path so check the evidence, way the operations and make an INFORMED decision. Do not be swayed by what people tell you, remember NO ONE knowns the exact truth. We each know pieces that fit together. I will not however give you a diatribe on why I think they are real just check for yourself. You might try a good book call "Out There" by Howard Blum, i have been told he is one of the Aviary(For more info email me), but I have found nothing to prove this so I hold fast to my belief they are real.

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